Friday, January 30, 2009

Appliance Home Repair

By Tony Delerno

Do you have a sick appliance? Are you considering throwing it away and getting a new one because you don't want to be bothered with having a repairman charge you or come look at it and then end up paying for both the service call and the repair - or worse yet, paying for the service call and discovering that the repair is just too expensive anyway? What a waste of dollars, right? Well, if you are like most folks, you need to pinch your pennies a little bit tighter now that we are officially in a recession, so appliance home repair might be the next big thing and might give you the chance to keep your appliances longer without having to fork out the big bucks to a repairman in the process.

Appliance home repair may seem like a really scary idea - especially if you are a woman who has absolutely no experience with fixing anything, but let me just tell you - if I can do it, you can, too. Here is my story:

One day, as I was about to do my umpteenth load of laundry, I lifted the lid of my washing machine and off popped this little spring from somewhere under the hood. I knew that was wrong of course - I mean no appliance I supposed to have springs bouncing off of it - but I guess I was just hoping for the best. I shut the lid fully expecting the full washer to start washing my clothes. It didn't happen. I had to empty the washer with a bucket and pitcher so the water wouldn't stink, and I spent the next three months going to the Laundromat. Finally, one day, I got sick of it and sat down at my PC and typed in washer home repair. I really wasn't ready to fix it myself, but the appliance home repair site gave me some much-needed info. I discovered what that spring was and why my washer wouldn't do anything. I eventually called in a repairman, but I watched him carefully, and lo and behold, about four months later, my daughter had the same problem with her washing machine (same kind as mine). I went to the hardware store, got the part I needed, and about two hours later, my daughter was washing clothes again.

Appliance home repair can be learned, even by we women who never thought we would ever want or need to learn. I saw the respect in my grown daughter's eyes that day, and you can experience that, too.

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